Program Administration

Administration at the State Level

Barred owl

At the state level, the Virginia Master Naturalist program is organized into chapters and overseen by statewide committees. A Program Coordinator oversees the day-to-day operations of the program and is the primary contact for the chapters. Learn more about the program’s structure statewide.


Administration at the Local Level

Showy orchis

Board of Directors
At the local level, the Rivanna chapter of the Virginia Master Naturalist is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of the following.

To reach any of these board members directly, please ask for contact through

Board Officers/Executive Committee
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Advisor (non-voting)

Auxiliary Board Members
Past President (heads nomination of new President)

Committee Chairs
Continuing Education/Masters Classes
Diversity Work Group
Membership and Timekeeper
Volunteer Projects
Web Communications

The RMN Board of Directors meets the second Monday of each month to further develop the chapter and establish policies and programs to further the VMN mission. You can contact us at

Chapter Advisors
A chapter advisor who is a local representative selected from one of the state agency sponsors serves our board as an ex-officio member.